Sunday, May 22, 2011


This is what to much exposure to "French Culture" will do to you.
This was near La Defense which is like the Manhattan of Paris. It is where all of the business buildings and skyscrapers are. No I have no idea why this giant water fount was there but it sure made for a refreshing walk.
The famous Opera House. There was a suite that had a plaque on it that said "Reserved for the Phantom". So moral of the story... The Phantom of the Opera is based off a true story.
The Catacombs!
Though I don't look it I was actually kind of creeped out to go in because the sign above my head says "You are entering the empire of the dead." Do you blame me?
We woke up at 5 to go see the Sunrise at Sacre Coeur, little did we know the sun rises in the East, the opposite side of where we were.
Some of the gang at St. Germaine.
My best friend Deba and me after I made the first African leather bracelet purchase in my life! CHEERS!
After not going to college and never getting a job "in the name of art" Cooper Epps now draws portraits of his much more successful and well known older brother on the streets of Paris hoping to earn enough money to get his next "art" fix...
The French Open!
Saint Chapel... "Holy Chapel" in English... you think someone would have named their church that before the French.
No real story with this one... just enjoy.

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